Miso Making Workshop

in workshops

Feb. 7 2023

Join us for our first workshop – a creative miso adventure using fresh and locally-sourced ingredients from Kollektiv Bioase!

The incredible Polly Yim @QU Fermentation Studio will be teaching us the guiding principles to miso making with an emphasis on making the best of regional and seasonal flavors. Participants in this hands-on workshop will make their own small jar of miso to bring home and come away with the knowledge to continue their own miso practice on their own.

Polly Yim is a fermentation teacher and recipe developer in Berlin. She regularly hosts a supper club inspired by various fermentation traditions and creative experimentation.

Event Info

  • Date: February 25th, 16:00-19:00
  • Availability: Workshop is limited to 10 participants.
  • Cost: 25,00 EUR
  • Location: Kollektiv Bioase

Rice and Barley Koji

Rice and Barley Koji

Douchi and Chestnut Miso

Douchie and Chestnut Miso

Signing Up

To register for the workshop, please write via either channel to confirm your attendance:

Availability: 2 of 10 spots are available

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