Our Collective

We are the new collective, consisting of former staff members and new friends and supporters. Some of us have been with the shop for a long time, many are new tho’. Some of us work part time in the store, others additionally full time with kids. Many of us are very patient, humorous or cheerful, but sometimes there is just something amiss. We are all newcomers to retail, with ideas, courage, motivation and hope.

We communicate in different ways, look different every day, and some things we can do better on some days than others. We are all different. And the coincidences of life (with a pinch of eagle eye) have brought us together…so that since October 2022 we continue to run the former Bioase44 as a collective. What that means exactly we have yet to figure out for ourselves.

What is clear is that we make decisions collaboratively, act in a self- and collectively-responsible manner, and learn to build on and trust each other. It is also clear that this must be proven in the course of the process and in everyday teamwork. In this way, we and our ideas are always in transition, but in the end always result in a grand, collaborative whole. Don’t be put off if sometimes we are grumpy or disagree. Making mistakes, discussing, arguing and coming back together - that’s part of it and part of our wonderful relationship with each other :-)

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